Saint John’s is in the Anglo-Catholic tradition in the Church of England.  We try to make sure that our worship is rich and reverent, without being stuffy or cold.

If you come to Mass on a Sunday morning, you will find the clergy in vestments, traditional hymns with an organ, incense, bells and processions.  There is certainly a lot going on, and if you aren’t used to it, you might find it a bit confusing at first.  But don’t worry – nobody will mind if you don’t know what to do, or you want to ask lots of questions afterwards.

The great thing about the Catholic style of worship is that appeals to all our senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.  All of these things can bring us closer to God – so it doesn’t matter if you spend your whole time just watching what’s going on, or breathing in the smell of the incense!

Our main Parish Mass is at 10:00 am on Sundays.

We usually have a said Mass on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and Saturdays at 10:00 am – please check the noticeboard in the Porch for what’s on this week.